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Writer's pictureMo-Yun Fong

Meet Lei Wang

That innate appetite for adventure has kept me going places, trying new jobs, meeting strangers and daring to start from scratch. And remembering where I come from keeps me humble and grateful.

Meet Lei, who has over a decade of experience in youth mentoring programs. She embarked on the path of professional coaching about a year ago through training at CTI. Lei found her true calling in empowering others to fulfill their full potential. She joined AWCC for the community, opportunities to learn from peer coaches, and to give back.

We asked Lei a few questions to learn more about her approach to life & coaching.

Q: What were some childhood moments that shaped you into who you are today?

A: I was born in a small village in China where the soil was red and hills were covered by orange trees. My parents and grandparents worked tirelessly on the hills and in the croplands to make ends meet.

Never had I - nor them - imagined that one day I’d be performing Peking Opera at one of the nation’s top universities, cooking on a clay stove for my ice-climbing team on a hilltop in Beijing’s suburbs, learning to make sushi at a food mart in Adelaide Australia, teaming up with strangers at a startup weekend event in San Francisco…

Though, I often go back to this vivid image in my head from when I was around 5 years old: running on the spring fields before crops were planted with a bunch of kids, where purple wild flowers were blooming. I suddenly paused and looked into the skyline far away, feeling this overwhelming sense of wonder: what’s out there? That innate appetite for adventure has kept me going places, trying new jobs, meeting strangers and daring to start from scratch. And remembering where I come from keeps me humble and grateful.

Q: What is an object and/or phrase that symbolizes 2022 for you?

A: Phrase - “The Road Not Taken” (Rober Frost’s poem)

“I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Q: What motivates you to keep going when the going gets tough?

A: People. Connections with others.Purpose. Remembering why I’m doing this and the impact it’ll have. Good food, books, movies, nature, dance, musicals… wonders in life!

Q: What are the top 1-2 books/podcasts that inspired you in the past 12 months?

A: Crossing the Unknown Sea by David Whyte and Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson

Q: What's your morning routine to start a productive day?

A: I don’t have a set morning routine (except the must-have of a glass of water). Generally, I like to have some quiet self-time: taking a walk outside, writing morning pages, doing yoga, reading, etc. I try to pick up one of these activities after a cup of warm tea.

Connect with Lei Wang on LinkedIn.

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